Showing posts with label Reporting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reporting. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2022

3 Cloud Seeking Awesome Azure People

My company is hiring!!

3Cloud is a technology services firm helping clients transform their business through the power of the cloud. We leverage Microsoft Azure to help clients speed up innovation, operate more efficiently and be more responsive to their client’s needs. As a Microsoft partner, we specialize in Azure migration, cloud-scale custom application development, Internet of Things, analytics, and DevOps achieved through Azure-enabled infrastructure automation. 3Cloud is headquartered in Chicago with additional offices in Dallas and Tampa. 
Get your Azure on and join an awesome team with people like me. 

These are remote roles based in any US city.

Use the link below to see what roles are open for hiring.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pivoting SQL Data for Instant Reporting

I always get a bit of geeky enjoyment out of finding an excuse to take advantage of features introduced into newer versions of SQL server. Today, a coworker asked me to help him pivot some data from an issue tracking table he was using. He didn’t know what “pivot” was, but that is what he wanted.
Here’s the table with sample data:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Issues](
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [WorkItem] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [DateSubmitted] [date] NOT NULL,
    [DateFixed] [date] NULL,
    [Id] ASC

INSERT [dbo].[Issues](
('Test', '20130310', '20130310'),
('Test1', '20130310', NULL),
('Test2', '20130311', '20130313'),
('Test3', '20130311', '20130311'),
('Test4', '20130311', '20130320'),
('Test5', '20130312', '20130314'),
('Test6', '20130314', '20130315'),
('Test7', '20130314', '20130315'),
('Test8', '20130316', '20130319'),
('Test9', '20130319', '20130330'),
('Test10', '20130320', NULL)

He asked me to go through the table, and for each day count how many issues were submitted and how many were fixed. When he manually counted the values, he got the following results:
Date Submitted Fixed
3/10/2013 2 1
3/11/2013 3 1
3/12/2013 1 0
3/13/2013 0 1
3/14/2013 2 1
3/15/2013 0 2
3/16/2013 1 0
3/19/2013 1 1
3/20/2013 1 1
3/30/2013 0 1
After staring at the tables for a few moments, I realized that the easiest way to transform the table into the results was to use PIVOT.
Select [Date]
, ISNULL([Submitted],0) as [Submitted]
, ISNULL([Fixed],0) as [Fixed]
  (Select DateFixed as [Date], COUNT(Id) as ct, 'Fixed' as md
     from dbo.[Issues]
    where DateFixed is not NULL
group by DateFixed
   Select DateSubmitted as [Date], COUNT(Id) as ct, 'Submitted' as md
     from dbo.[Issues]
    where DateSubmitted is not NULL
group by DateSubmitted) as SourceTable
   for md in ([Submitted], [Fixed])) as pvt
order by [Date]

And there you go. Fun day with new PIVOT-y toys.

How to Turn Off Smart Charging

After a recent update, I discovered that my battery was down to 80% while plugged in, which I hadn't expected to see. I also noticed tha...